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Mr. Heady continued that this was where the sand was to migrate and it didn't <br />happen. With all the silliness of the gavel coming down because the Board did not like what he <br />had to say, the reality is the same, we are pouring $8 million down the drain and the bottom line is <br />we have to protect the tax base and at least pump the sand in front of houses that need it. <br />NO ACTION REQUIRED OR TAKEN. <br />9.B.2. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEM - JAY MCNAMARA'S <br />REQUEST TO SEEK ONE-TIME EXCEPTION TO THE <br />GENERAL RULE OF THE PROHIBITION OF <br />ALCOHOL FOR A CONCERT ON APRIL 3, 2004 AT <br />HOLMAN STADIUM <br />Jay McNamara, President of the Boys and Girls Clubs read his letter (copy on file) <br />requesting the Board to provide the Boys and Girls Clubs a one-time exception to the general rule <br />of the prohibition of alcohol for their country music concert on April 3, 2004 at Holman Stadium. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Adams, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Lowther, to approve the <br />request. <br />Commissioner Ginn said she could not support this request. She felt it sets a very <br />bad precedent and the best way to prevent an incident with alcohol is not to serve it at all. <br />County Administrator Chandler apologized that he did not have the proposed <br />guidelines ready before this item was presented to the Board and should the Board approve this <br />request, he will modify the proposed policy and bring it back to the Board at the next meeting. <br />Commissioner Ginn said we have some liability and it is a door that we should not <br />open. <br />Jay McNamara said whether to have alcohol or not is significant when you look at <br />the economics. It is an objective assessment, but for an organization like themselves the risk <br />becomes overwhelming. They need to attract large crowds to break even. <br />OCTOBER 14, 2003 11 <br />