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Commissioner Stanbridge noted there have been a lot of problems with this site over the last fewyears. <br />Gerrit Frankhuisen, Vice President, Indian River National Bank, stated that a potential buyer has a meeting <br />scheduled with Community Development Director Bob Keating regarding this site on October 31. This new plan <br />has been reviewed by Fire Prevention Bureau Chief Dan Dietz and does supply a tUrnabOUt lane for fire trucks. <br />The potential buyer, Russell Payne, is committed to working with the County. Indian River National Bank is not <br />representing either the buyer or the seller but does hold a first mortgage on the property. The Board of Directors of <br />the Bank is willing to move this non-performing asset and has agreed not to file a foreclosure action, but to offer the <br />SLIM of $5,000 to satisfy the County's lien. <br />OCTOBER 23, 2001 -2- <br />E.C.B. <br />