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Representative Poppell said sending something to the Senate, the Speaker or the <br />Governor's Office, with a copy to him, would be very helpful. <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked Representative Poppell to send whatever pertinent <br />information he has that he thinks could make a stronger resolution from the Board. He thereafter <br />thanked Mr. Bass and Representative Poppell for the reports. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan, commenting on Piper's reduced work week, wanted <br />everyone to be aware that there is a state unemployment benefit for those workers whose hours <br />were reduced. He lauded Piper's efforts of trying to keep employees on the payroll and for doing <br />the right thing with the money. <br />Administrator Baird also thanked Mr. Bass, noting that Piper is our success story <br />in these bad times, and he did not think they could have done it without the leadership of Jim <br />Bass, who has done a tremendous job bringing the community together, as well as the business <br />leaders. He applauded Piper's management team. <br />F. PRESENTATION ON CHILDREN'S SERVICES BY BRAD BERNAUER, <br />HUMAN SERVICES; KIP JACOBY, CHAIRMAN, GRANT REVIEW SUB- <br />COMMITTEE; AND RONNIE HEWETT, PRESIDENT, BOYS AND GIRLS <br />CLUB <br />Brad Bernauer, Director of Human Services, noted that every single dollar the <br />County gives to the Children's Services goes directly to the Agency and their programs for the <br />children in this County; and every dollar reduced for the upcoming year would be taking away <br />from the children or one of the programs that services them. Currently they are funding nineteen <br />(19) different programs for the children in this County. <br />January 20, 2009 <br />