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Ron Hewitt, CEO, Boy and Girls Club of Indian River County, talked about the <br />funding received from the County and residents, and by way of a slide presentation, he presented <br />a brief overview of the Club's Mission. He also explained why their programs are important and <br />the needs they are filling; their program results and the impacts they are having on the youths of <br />Indian River County; the benefits to the taxpayer; and what would happen if they lost CSAC <br />funding. <br />The Chairman called a break at 10:44 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at 11:01 <br />a.m., with all members present. <br />6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NONE <br />7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS FROM STAFF OR <br />COMMISSIONERS NOT REQUIRING BOARD ACTION <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked to pull for discussion Items 7.E. & 7.F. <br />A. 2009 ELECTION OF METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION <br />(MPO) CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN <br />B. 2009 ELECTION OF ENTERPRIZE ZONE DEVELOPMENT A GENCY <br />(EZDA) CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN <br />C. 2009 ELECTION OF UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (UAC) <br />CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN <br />D. APPOINTMENT OF CITY OF VERO BEACH ALTERNATES TO THE <br />COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL AND THE TOURIST <br />DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL <br />January 20, 2009 <br />