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and findings of the Impact Fee Task Force, as detailed in the Impact Fee Task Force Report and <br />Recommendations (copy on file). <br />Penny Chandler stated that the purpose of the Committee was to review and make <br />recommendations regarding Duncan Associates' Impact Fee Report. She read the names of the <br />Committee members, and noted that she and Ms. Mitchell were the facilitators for the group, and <br />did not vote. <br />Beth Mitchell gave a time -line for the Impact Fee Task Force Committee <br />meetings and listed the speakers who had made presentations. She informed the Board that the <br />Task Force had been broken into sub -committees that had addressed the following sections of the <br />Duncan Associates Report: Traffic, Schools, Parks, Libraries, and Law Enforcement. The <br />subcommittees brought their recommendations back to the entire task force. Ms. Mitchell listed <br />some additional data and publications that had been utilized by the Task Force in making their <br />recommendations, and divulged that the Task Force had created an additional section entitled <br />"Quantifying the Impact." <br />Ms. Chandler thanked all the Task Force Committee members, many of who had <br />expressed interested in maintaining a meeting structure in order to remain current on this issue. <br />She also thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve the County. <br />Ms. Mitchell described the final meeting of the Task Force, provided specific <br />details on the voting process including a breakdown of the votes, and set forth each sub- <br />committee's recommendation as follows: <br />(a) Transportation: Maintain current impact fee rates <br />(b) Schools: Maintain current impact fee rates <br />(c) Parks: Maintain current impact fee rates <br />January 22, 2008 3 <br />