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Chairman Wheeler asked Director Boling to prepare a synopsis on what he felt could be <br />taken from this meeting and bring it back to the Board. <br />Director Boling felt that vesting at final plat needed to be changed. He recommended <br />either: <br />1.) Adopting the Professional Services Advisory Committee's (PSAC) recommendation (if <br />someone already had a preliminary plat approval then the requirement would not affect them) or <br />2.) Using Commissioner Davis' idea (drop the requirement altogether and not require people to <br />vest at final plat). He requested direction from the Board. <br />Discussion ensued as to staffs proposals and the details of vesting. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan believed an Ordinance needed to be adopted which would address <br />future concurrency management and be used as a planning tool. He liked the idea that vesting was <br />required because it would eliminate problems down the road in regards to the lots which do not <br />have vested concurrency. He suggested the Board look at a solution for the future and not build an <br />ordinance to solve every little current problem. <br />Discussion ensued between Commissioner Davis and Vice Chair Bowden regarding <br />student station programs and school concurrency. Commissioner Davis felt they would have to <br />reserve capacity. <br />Director Keating affirmed that the advantage to implementing the proposed option would <br />be to plan for students. Further, one of the advantages of requiring vesting at final plat would <br />allow the loading of the trips into the system, reflecting the approved projects in the database. <br />Chairman Wheeler asked the Board for a consensus on "vesting". <br />January 5, 2007 10 <br />CHAPTER 910 <br />