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Commissioner Wheeler felt maybe a possible solution would be to give back the <br />$200 and start the process again; re-file the charges, re-serve the violator and bring him back <br />before the Code Enforcement Board, as it appears there is no documentation. <br /> <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the process to be followed and whether they were <br />circumventing the process. <br /> <br />Attorney Collins felt the simple solution would be to send back the money, re-cite <br />Mr. Luongo, and have him served and get it documented, and have a hearing. <br /> <br />Motion WAS MADE by Commissioner Wheeler, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, for discussion, to <br />rescind the judgment, return the $200.00 to Mr. Luongo and <br />re-file the charge. <br /> <br />Commissioner Davis concurred with Attorney Collins’ opinion. <br /> <br />More discussion ensued regarding how the process was handled and how to proceed. <br /> <br /> <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION. The Motion <br />carried unanimously to rescind the judgment, return the <br />$200.00 to Mr. Luongo, re-file the code violation and <br />document and retain proper records. <br /> <br />The Chairman called for a break at 10:30 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at <br />10:43 a.m. with Commissioner Davis and Administrator Baird absent. <br /> <br />November 14, 2006 <br />20 <br /> <br />