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<br />9.C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS <br />1. NAPHN21,2006 <br />OTICE OF UBLIC EARING FOR OVEMBER TO <br />AS101.02.1IRCC <br />MEND ECTION OF THE NDIAN IVER OUNTY ODE <br />(L) <br />EGISLATIVE <br /> <br /> <br />10. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S MATTERS – STATUS <br />TH <br />REPORT OF SITE AT 5925 37 STREET FOR RESIDENTIAL <br />TREATMENT CENTER <br />(Clerk’s Note: this item is an addition to the Agenda) <br /> <br />\[Clerk’s note: this item was heard after Item 11.A.1 while the Board awaited the <br />return of Administrator Baird who returned at 10:44 a.m.\] <br /> <br />Planning Director Stan Boling recalled that Michael O’Haire appeared before the <br />Board last week and discussed the appeal, which should go before the Planning and Zoning Board <br />on December 14, 2006. Based on provisions of the appeal, staff will not be allowed to occupy the <br />site as a residential treatment center during the appeal process. <br /> <br />Mr. O’Haire <br /> recapped his complaint remarking that staff was bending the rules in <br />order to favor a cause that staff was prepared to champion. He felt the Board was being <br />manipulated by staff and asked them not to bend the rules to please staff at the expense of the <br />community. <br /> <br />November 14, 2006 <br />21 <br /> <br />