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(Vice Chairman Flescher opposed), the Motion to <br />approve the above changes to the Agenda FAILED. <br />Chairman Davis questioned the Board's intentions and asked for separate <br />Motions on Items 11.A., and 14.C. He explained that an individual vote was unnecessary on <br />Item 12.C.1., because that was just a pull from the Agenda. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Solari, <br />SECONDED by Vice Chairman Flescher, the Board <br />unanimously approved to add Item 11.A., Update on <br />the Baltimore Orioles, to the Agenda. <br />Chairman Davis announced that the next vote would be on Commissioner Items. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner O'Bryan, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Wheeler, by a 4-1 <br />vote (Vice Chairman Flescher opposed), the Motion <br />to approve the addition of Item 14.C., Discussion on <br />Appointments to the Treasure Coast Regional <br />Planning Council, FAILED. <br />Chairman Davis pointed out that the rules were that there must be a unanimous <br />vote on emergency items. <br />Commissioner Wheeler sought and received explanation by Vice Chairman <br />Flescher on his opposition to adding Item 14.C. <br />4 <br />December 16, 2008 <br />