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Chairman Macht favored the visioning process. He thought our Comp Plan is okay <br />and that our whole difficulty stems from the Bert Harris Act (BHA). <br />Commissioner Adams thought the MPO-LRTP is the way to go. She was unsure <br />how she wanted the county to look, but knows what she does not like. <br />Vice Chairman Ginn thought the Commissioners know what needs to be done by <br />pulling out the land use sections of the Comprehensive Plan that need revising. She <br />suggested workshops with the Planning & Zoning Commission in order for both groups to <br />get a complete understanding of the BHA. She also thought they need to look at specific <br />things they found troublesome, such as The Palms, and correct whatever regulation caused <br />it to happen. She believed that no developer should be given an increase in density for <br />donating roads he needs for his development. <br />County Attorney Collins explained the Bert Harris Act which was followed by a <br />discussion and speculation on how to proceed. <br />Gary Wheeler was of the opinion that the BHA should be one of the criteria for <br />making decisions on what the future development should be in this county. The <br />Commissioners have to do what they believe is right for the community and defend their <br />decision when someone disagrees or sues. Many lawsuits occur because it is more <br />economical to settle than go to court. <br />Mr. Williams thought that visioning should be for county and cities tied together. <br />He urged them to be aggressive on legal action and to appeal to local state representatives <br />to make a case for us to have the right to control our destiny. <br />Planning Director Stan Boling noted that The Palms received their density bonus for <br />right-of-way donated in the 1980's when Indian River Boulevard was first established. The <br />County had to honor that agreement; the right-of-way was the road we have been driving <br />on for all these years. We still have the LDR there. <br />December 23, 2003 <br />0 <br />