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Vice Chairman Ginn wanted to look into at that. <br />Bob Johnson submitted a detailed recommendation for inclusion in the Comp Plan <br />concerning rezoning CH to CG which recently occurred on the NE corner of Oslo Road and <br />43rd Avenue SW (See his written notes filed with the backup in the Office of the Clerk to <br />the Board along with a cover letter from Chester Clem concerning same.). He suggested a <br />member of the Taxpayers Association be added to P & Z. He was shocked recently in a <br />Regional Planning Council meeting that a new development was presented there before <br />coming to the county for consideration (Referring to Waterway Village). He believed golf <br />courses should be excluded for open space and that it was time to start considering <br />availability of water. He was concerned about traffic analysis in the rezoning process and <br />the authority of staff on what they can and cannot approve. <br />It was explained that the reason Waterway Village went to RPC first is that it is a <br />development of regional impact (DRI). <br />Renee Renzi noted that The Palms of Vero is not a pretty perspective from the <br />exterior roadways but the interior has nice wide roads and no driveways. She thought they <br />should insist on an architectural rendition of a development. <br />Vice Chairman Ginn liked that idea. She stressed that we need to determine why <br />The Palms turned out the way it did and see that it does not happen again. <br />Director Boling stressed this was a site plan project and not a planned development. <br />County Attorney Collins explained that under our regulations, PDs are an optional <br />form of development for either single- or multi -family. There is a standard set of <br />regulations for site plans. The unique thing about the PD is we can impose more restrictive <br />conditions, but the developer can also ask for waivers from our existing regulations. So <br />there is a give and take to get a better product. It is completely at the discretion of the Board <br />whether to approve or deny a PD. Because it is totally discretionary, there has to be some <br />December 23, 2003 <br />10 <br />