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alternative use for the property as a matter of right, and that is the standard regulations that <br />we have. As long as PDs are discretionary, he believed we could not mandate them. He <br />suggested that our standard site plans for multi -family might need better landscaping <br />regulations. <br />Donna Keys, a member of the P & Z Commission pointed out that a subdivision is <br />less expensive to develop than a PD because only a 10' buffer is required whereas a PD <br />requires a 25' buffer. Also, the site plan does not have to go to the P & Z. She reasoned <br />that if they had an even playing field the subdivisions might look better. The P & Z has <br />recommended a buffer increase for subdivisions. <br />Director Keating advised that will be coming to the Board on January 13111 <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Adams, <br />SECONDED BY Chairman Ginn, to use the MPO=s LRTP <br />(Metropolitan Planning Organization=s Long Range <br />Transportation Plan) and add a visioning component. <br />Under discussion and in response to Vice Chairman Ginn, Director Keating <br />explained that staff would bring the Board their concept and the Commissioners would <br />have the opportunity to make any revisions they wished. <br />Commissioner Neuberger was not convinced that hiring for visioning, such as the <br />City of Vero Beach is doing, is the way for the County to proceed. He believed that the <br />Commissioners should listen to public input. He wanted to have more public hearings and <br />felt that people want to keep the county as it has been. They do not want to see what <br />happened with The Palms. He would not agree to pay $200,000 to hire someone. <br />Discussion followed. <br />December 23, 2003 <br />11 <br />