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S.C. PRESENTATION OF 2007 ANNUAL REPORT BY WORKFORCE <br />DEVELOPMENT BOARD PRESIDENT/CEO GWENDA THOMPSON <br />Gwenda Thompson read the highlights of the Workforce Development Board's <br />2007 Annual Report (copy on file). She then discussed future plans for programs, projects, and <br />services, including a new "brand", Workforce Solutions, which would unite the One Stop <br />Career Centers and the Workforce Development Board. <br />Chairman Bowden thanked Ms. Thompson for her presentation. <br />5.D. PRESENTATION BY NEW HORIZONS PRESIDENT/CEO JOHN B. <br />ROMANO <br />John B. Romano reviewed some statistics from the Units of Service Report <br />(copy on file) which had been provided to each Commissioner. He acknowledged that he had <br />received Commissioner Wheeler's letter asking for information on how the community health <br />centers save the County money, and would be obtaining and providing that information to the <br />Board. <br />S.E. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION HONORING AFRICAN AMERICAN <br />PIONEER MONTH <br />Commissioner Flescher read the Proclamation and presented individual <br />proclamations to the eleven African American pioneers who came forward to receive them. <br />Detective Teddy Floyd would make sure the three remaining pioneers received their <br />February 19, 2008 4 <br />