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Tom Rhodes II, 2816 Coronado Way, Laundromat businessman, pointed out that <br />one area often overlooked is the impact fees that Utilities charge businesses. He spoke of the <br />burden of high impact fees, and said impact fee charges do not make businesses like his, viable. <br />Administrator Baird explained the rate structure for impact fees for utilities. <br />Bill Beardslee, 621 Tomahawk Trail, speaking on behalf of the Indian River <br />Neighborhood Association (IRNA), said the IRNA supports fully the framework for tax <br />abatement put forward by Commissioner O'Bryan. After listening to Administrator Baird's <br />comments, he recommended that the Board consider thoughtfully, the gas tax, and whatever <br />manner we could reduce impact fees. He urged the Board to take into account the fairness to <br />those individuals that purchased or started their businesses and paid the impact fees. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan responded to comments by Mr. Rhodes regarding utility <br />impact fees. <br />Charlie Wilson, 1057 6th Avenue, could not believe he was hearing that the <br />solution to unemployment was to raise taxes. He talked about the issues burdening small <br />businesses and refuted the idea that impact fees do not affect employment. He thought it was <br />imprudent to delay for another month to have public hearings. <br />Penny Chandler contended that many more than the 400 jobs, referenced by Mr. <br />Wilson, have been lost in the past two weeks. A poll of her Chamber Board members revealed <br />that they all agreed that taking a break and not having impact fees for a while would be a good <br />thing to try to stimulate this economy. <br />February 17, 2009 39 <br />