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Joseph Paladin, President of Black Swan Consulting thinks the gas tax is <br />something we should go ahead and look at; and did not think it would be to our advantage to <br />lower impact fees totally, including residential. <br />Administrator Baird suggested elimination of the eight (8) impact fees under the <br />"road" category, would be the quick and defensible way, if we were looking to eliminate any <br />aspect of impact fees. He did not recommend eliminating commercial but not residential, <br />because it could get us into litigation. <br />More discussion ensued among Board members and staff in contemplation of <br />doing something for non -homesteaded and commercial properties; as well as, the creation of a <br />granting mechanism, through the Economic Development Division, for refunding/rebating to <br />encourage businesses and bring jobs to our County. <br />Attorney Collins reiterated earlier comments that if you have another source of <br />funding to pay them from an economic development fund that would be fine, but they could not <br />be eliminated entirely. He thought the EDC could set up a program on how Grants would be <br />refunded. <br />Administrator Baird clarified further that if you waive the fees for just <br />commercial and if we want a defensible impact fee, we would probably have to pay it out of the <br />General Fund or our taxing funds. <br />Nancy Offut, Treasure Coast Builders Association, spoke regarding growth in the <br />community, and pointed out that different groups have been saying that if we want Indian River <br />County to become a "bedroom community" we would suffer the consequences of not having a <br />diverse economy, and only the rich would be able to live here. She believed commercial/ <br />industrial capture trips, and does not add trips. <br />February 17, 2009 40 <br />