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Chairman Wheeler commented on his intentions to have a Charter Home Rule, and said <br />he wanted to protect the land use that currently exists. He did not intend to take authority away <br />from the cities. He was trying to move forward, and not backwards. <br />Chairman Wheeler called for a recess at 10:36 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at <br />10:48 a.m. with all members present. <br />Mayor Tom Cadden, Indian River Shores, addressed the draft under repeal (Section <br />7.4, dual referendum) in an effort to protect the municipalities. He thought it was important to <br />include other Charter Amendments. He had language to that effect, and planned to provide it <br />before the next workshop. He was trying to protect his Town, a small town with very few voters, <br />against big amendments that could change the conditions of living in Indian River Shores. <br />Discussion ensued by the Commissioners regarding hypothetical situations. Mr. <br />Spitzer tried to summarize the Board's ideas. <br />There was CONSENSUS to give the municipalities <br />whatever additional authority or dual referendum needed to <br />make sure their Home Rule powers were protected. <br />Mr. Spitzer stated marrying the motion with what was said earlier, they might have a <br />threshold of a 60% vote to approve an amendment, plus, for it to be effective inside city limits it <br />should be approved by the votes of the City too. Chairman Wheeler agreed with what Mayor <br />Cadden was trying to accomplish. <br />Bea Gardner, Vero Beach was very concerned about the speediness of the process <br />without input from the public. She found it difficult to understand the lack of attendance by the <br />March 12, 2007 5 <br />Public Workshop — Charter Government <br />