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<br />7.O. PHCWH <br />ROCLAMATION ONORING HARLES ARD ON IS <br />REF19,2004 <br />ETIREMENT FFECTIVE EBRUARY <br /> <br />Proclamation presented at another time and noted here for the record. <br /> <br />9.B.1. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEM – C. W. CARL – BREEZY <br />VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, INC. OF SEBASTIAN DEED <br />RESTRICTIONS <br /> <br />th <br />Mr. C. W. Carl <br />, 6111 98 Street, Sebastian, president of Breezy Village <br />Subdivision, Inc., expressed concern because one of their property owners had received a permit <br />from the County for work not in compliance with their deed restrictions. On behalf of his <br />organization, he asked if the County would assist by adding a few questions to the County’s permit <br />applications that would indicate that an applicant was requesting something that was compliant with <br />the subdivision’s deed restrictions. <br />County Attorney Collins responded that the County cannot enforce a private deed <br />restriction; their property owners’ association would have to enforce their own deed restrictions. <br />He wondered whether the permitting section could flag subdivisions with deed restrictions. <br />Community Development Director Bob Keating responded that doing so would get <br />into the efficiency of how the permitting process is handled. The County has not historically <br />reviewed deed restrictions; most subdivisions have deed restrictions now and it could be pretty <br />cumbersome. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />Mr. Carl <br /> stated that they had tried to enforce the deed restrictions by hiring a lawyer <br />who advised that they should not go to court. They paid the lawyer’s fee, they took the advice, and <br />he felt they got nothing for their money. He was concerned because the same person has other <br />properties in their subdivision and plans to do the same thing. <br />March 16, 2004 9 <br /> <br />