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8.A. CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND GOVERNMENTAL <br />AGENCIES <br />A. ROY RAYMOND, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SHERIFF: <br />BUDGET AMENDMENT <br />Harry Hall, Comptroller of the Sheriffs Department, presented his Department's <br />request for permission to move funds between budgetary categories, as they have done in the <br />past. He responded to questions from Commissioner O'Bryan regarding the dollar amount to be <br />moved, and from where the funds would come. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED <br />by Vice Chairman Davis, for approval of the Sheriff's request. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Wheeler voiced his objection as he has done <br />every year the Sheriff makes this request. He read and discussed a section of State Statutes <br />Chapter 129.06 regarding appropriation of funds that should not be changed. He wanted to see <br />the Sheriff handle his budget the same as other departments. He thought we should get estimates <br />on what the Sheriff thinks he is going to spend and where he would spend it. He requested that <br />this year the Sheriff bring in something for Capital. <br />Mr. Hall explained the Sheriff's objectives for this request. Commissioner <br />Wheeler felt it was not good budgeting practice. Other Commissioners voiced their opinion, and <br />Commissioner Davis supported the Sheriff's request. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and by a 3-2 <br />vote (Commissioners Wheeler and O'Bryan opposed) , the <br />Board approved for the Sheriffs Department to amend its <br />fiscal year 2007-2008 Operating Budget to transfer funds <br />8 <br />March 18, 2008 <br />