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consider the Task Force's recommendation to use creative solutions for future infrastructure <br />needs. <br />Kirk Sorenson, consultant to the Treasure Coast Builders Association on the <br />Duncan Associates Report, spoke of the necessity for the Impact Fee update to take into <br />consideration local demographics. He believed that the Board needed to understand the details <br />of calculating the fees, and advocated having a line item veto available for each component of <br />the fees. <br />Steve Smith, Vero Beach, suggesting that a more equitable method of collecting <br />needed monies would be to have a transfer tax on every real estate transaction. However, <br />Attorney Collins advised that in order to locally adopt a real estate transfer tax, the County <br />would need authorization through the State legislature. <br />Seeing no further speakers, the Chairman ended the public comments. <br />Commissioner Wheeler believed that it is residential property which creates the <br />need for additional infrastructure, and he wanted to see some adjustments made to the impact <br />fees for Commercial/Industrial areas. <br />Vice Chairman Davis wanted Commercial/Industrial and Transportation fees to be <br />re-evaluated. He felt that this would be a good time to address any questions regarding the <br />methodology used in the Impact Fee Study, and to establish a good policy. Vice Chairman Davis <br />agreed with Mr. Sorensen's idea to have available a line item veto for each component of the <br />impact fees. <br />Chairman Bowden encouraged the Board to obtain further information, to ensure <br />that the impact fees are workable for the community. <br />17 <br />April 15, 2008 <br />