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Commissioner Flescher was not ready to approve any of the five (5) Impact Fee <br />alternatives presented by staff. He suggested creating a panel of local business leaders to work <br />with staff and provide input, and then to have staff create an additional alternative, Option #6, for <br />approval. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan opposed delaying approval of the impact fees, citing the <br />importance of providing clarification to developers as to what future costs might be. He wanted <br />to see Options 3 and 5 approved, eliminating fees for SWDD and libraries, increasing <br />transportation fees, and phasing in the increase. <br />Administrator Baird opined that the Impact Fee Study was defensible. He advised <br />not to increase the fees in the current economic situation, but to revisit making the increase in <br />eighteen (18) months or so. He also informed the Board that there is a revenue requirement to <br />meet the infrastructure needs. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Davis, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, for discussion, <br />to bring back Duncan Associates, the Impact Fee Study <br />Consultant, to respond to questions regarding the <br />methodology used in the Impact Fee Study. <br />A lengthy discussion ensued between Board members and Administrator Baird <br />during which Board members aired or reiterated their concerns, discussed whether the <br />Consultant should be brought back to a Regular, Special Call, or Workshop Meeting, and <br />considered a time to hold the meeting. Chairman Bowden and Vice Chairman Davis concurred <br />that the meeting could be held whenever the Consultant could return to town. <br />18 <br />April 15, 2008 <br />