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Commissioner Solari asked if CSI had any financial information or statement, either <br />about the past performance of the company that tells how they used to operate or any present <br />sources of funds, which would lend itself to the financial capability of the company to perform <br />this work. <br />Mr. Bill Rigby responded that this was a new company, a family owned business, and <br />the only resources they have currently, are family owned, and everyone did not provide a <br />financial statement. <br />Commissioner Solari continued to question the lack of a financial statement, in particular, <br />that according to information submitted by CSI, they had been providing sanitation services in <br />Indian River County and St. Lucie County, since 1995, and based on that thought there would be <br />some background financial information. <br />Mr. Ardra Rigby replied that they were a part of a management team called Capital <br />Sanitation and that was where the expertise came into play. He then reminded the Board that <br />they were not before this Commission for a loan, but for work. <br />Commissioner Solari pointed out that it was the Board's job to ensure that the customers <br />in the Enterprise Zone are well served, and part of that was to establish the financial strength of <br />any company that might be interested in the work. <br />Treasure Coast Refuse (TCR): Representative Todd Westover <br />Mr. Todd Westover, Division Manager, Vero Beach, referenced the Company's <br />Marketing Plan and said the bottom line was about increasing the number of sanitation customers <br />and decreasing and mitigating illegal dumping. To that end, he said, TCR has earned the <br />April 21, 2009 <br />S.W.D.D. <br />5 <br />