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reputation, through its actions, as the Number One hauler, in customer service in this County. <br />He spoke of the Company's commitment and dedication to the community, specifying that TCR <br />not only wants this for the community and for itself, but believe they have earned the right to <br />gain this contract through their actions. <br />Waste Management: Representative Brian Thornton <br />Mr. Brian Thornton, District Manager, Vero Beach, described his company's ability to <br />provide the required services by highlighting their equipment features, the training of drivers, <br />their preventative maintenance program, their technical experience and expertise, and their <br />financial capabilities. He also highlighted their employment history, and community usage plan <br />to educate customers. <br />Commissioner Solari asked how many residential customers they have in the Enterprise <br />Zone and was told by Mr. Thornton that there are 21 residential customers. <br />The Chairman called a break at 12:25 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 12:40 with all <br />members present. <br />The Chairman opened the Public Hearing. <br />Anthony Brown, 4159 57th Court, Vero Beach, and President of Gifford NAACP, spoke <br />about the intent of the Enterprise Zone and noted that the Enterprise Zone was established in a <br />blighted community, with the intent to help minority companies like CSI, compete. He spoke of <br />CSI's inability to compete with major conglomerates like TCR and Waste Management, and <br />April 21, 2009 <br />S.W.D.D. <br />6 <br />