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Richard Baker, President of Pelican Island Audubon Society, Inc., quoted Section <br />927.17.9 from the County Code and strongly disagreed with staffs reduction of the fine imposed <br />on Brisben Cos. from $33,000 to $17,000 and hoped the Board would adopt the language from <br />Alternative C of his memorandum of April 22, 2003 (COPY ON FILE WITH THE BACKUP FOR <br />TODAY'S MEETING). <br />Community Development Director Bob Keating stated that he would review the <br />recommendations and report back to the Board. <br />Commissioner Adams emphasized that the developers are professionals and they need to <br />know the rules. She did not believe the County needed to cut them any slack. <br />Mr. Baker then showed some photographs (THESE WERE NOT SUPPLIED TO THE <br />CLERK) of another development and praised the developer, Schlitt & Bryant, who moved 25 trees <br />onsite at $1,000 per tree, which was above and beyond the requirements. <br />Commissioner Ginn believed we need to have someone on site when land clearing is being <br />done who can watch to make certain the regulations are followed. <br />Planning Director Stan Boling displayed a drawing of The Palms at Vero Beach Enhanced <br />Entry Landscape Plan and explained briefly the process staff follows in approving these plans. <br />Commissioner Ginn noted that we do have some very responsible builders such as those <br />who developed Kenwood and Arbor Trace. <br />Environmental and Code Enforcement Chief Roland DeBlois explained that the Palms at <br />Vero Beach was a 23 -acre site and about 98% of the site was covered in Brazilian pepper. There <br />were some clusters of pines and some oak trees intertwined with the pepper, so when it was <br />developed, the developer was to clear out the exotics and leave the trees. That plan was approved <br />and reviewed prior to the adoption of the new tree ordinance. Some of these were carrot -top trees <br />and, because the grouping was so infested with pepper, they were allowed to also remove these <br />trees. The developer will also be planting more trees. The area of concern which led to the fine was <br />on the south of the property where they removed trees without authorization. When staff looked <br />at the site, they believed these trees could have been saved and issued a citation and a $33,000 fine. <br />They then met with the engineer of record and agreed that 2 of these trees could be removed and <br />the fine was reduced to $17,000. The developer has the right to appeal to Code Enforcement for <br />relief, which they have done. The matter will be reviewed by Code Enforcement on April 28, 2003. <br />APRIL 22, 2003 20 <br />