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County Attorney Collins asked Mr. Pelan whether he would wish to defer the conceptual <br />plan until after the Board has a chance to workshop the ordinance, rather than have the Board <br />possibly vote against the project, and Mr. Pelan asked for a continuance. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone else wished to be heard regarding this matter. There being <br />none, the Chairman closed the public hearing. <br />County Attorney Collins advised the Board that a moratorium would require a public <br />hearing and advertisement of the meeting. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Lowther, to continue the project to a time uncertain; impose <br />a moratorium on Planned Developments until a workshop can be held <br />regarding density requirements and other concerns; and to direct the <br />County Attorney to prepare a proposed ordinance for a 6 -month <br />moratorium on PD projects. <br />Chairman Macht requested that the workshop be scheduled after the July budget hearings. <br />Commissioner Adams wanted to include in the workshop concerns about subdivisions <br />abutting an agricultural development, especially as to noise and spray drift. <br />Chairman Macht emphasized that staff has been doing exactly what the Board requested <br />them to do and that any shortcoming are in the Board's instructions, not in staff. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED THE QUESTION and the motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />9.B.1. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEM - RICHARD H. BAKER, PRESIDENT <br />OF AUDUBON SOCIETY, INC., TO DISCUSS DROPPING OF FINES <br />TO DEVELOPERS OF "THE PALMS" AT 6TH AVENUE AND 12TH <br />STREET (BRISBEN COS. OF CINCINNATI) <br />APRIL 22, 2003 19 <br />