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the drainage can be handled but that this is just the conceptual plan and those details would be <br />provided at a later date. <br />Dr. Nicholas felt this project would have a serious negative impact on Oak Chase and the <br />Sanctuary subdivisions. He asked that staff put him on a contact list for courtesy notices, and <br />Director Boling assured him that would be done. <br />John Carr, 6555 351'' Lane, read a letter from Adrian and Ginya Dery, 6432 341'' Lane, <br />(COPY IS ON FILE WITH THE BACKUP FOR TODAY'S MEETING) requesting a <br />postponement of approval on this project so that more investigation could take place. <br />Ron Wooster, 6550 351'' Lane, expressed major concerns about the bridge at 661'' Avenue. <br />Barbara Snell, 6412 341'' Lane, expressed concerns about the increased traffic, especially <br />on 33rd Street where the traffic is horrendous. She asked for a reconsideration of the traffic and <br />density. <br />Jeff Merrick, 6535 361'' Place, Sales Director at the Bermuda Club, felt that further <br />restrictions on lot sizes and traffic densities would help to maintain the present quality of life in the <br />County. He noted that $200,000 for a residential unit does not constitute affordable housing. <br />Carolyn Plank, 3447 63rd Square, questioned whether widening 33rd is being planned, and <br />Public Works Director Davis stated that, at the most, it would only be widened to 3 lanes to add a <br />turn lane. <br />Ms. Plank applauded the Board's suggestion to revisit the PD ordinance especially with <br />regard to traffic impacts. <br />Aileen Anderson, 6750 33rd Street, felt the conceptual plan would be a better use of the <br />property than the original platting which would allow more density. <br />Keith Pelan stated that they would be happy to work with the Board to revisit the PD <br />ordinance but asked that the Board approve this project as submitted. <br />APRIL 22, 2003 18 <br />