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The Chairman called a recess at 10:33 and the meeting was reconvened at 10:41 with the <br />same persons present. <br />Rene Renzi, 314 Waverly Place, questioned whether a traffic light has been considered for <br />261h Street as she felt it was unsafe at the present time and would be more so with the addition of <br />another 450 residential units, and Public Works Director Jim Davis responded that a warrant <br />analysis has been done and that intersection does not warrant a signal at this time. <br />Denise Ferguson, 3100 62nd Avenue, expressed concerns about the drainage in the area as <br />well as the protection of the wildlife. She noted that there is a bobcat in the area and numerous <br />gopher turtles. She asked the Board to stop this development if possible. <br />Dr. Robert Nicholas, 6560 351h Lane, Oak Chase, expressed his appreciation for staff and <br />Chairman Macht in assisting the residents of Oak Chase when they needed it. He emphasized that <br />12 of 17 residents in Oak Chase were not notified of this project until last Saturday. He believed <br />that most people do not read the legal advertisements and felt that these residents should be given <br />a further opportunity to investigate this proposed development. He suggested that applicants be <br />required to notify surrounding residents in the future and that notice be mandatory rather than as a <br />courtesy. He expressed concerns about traffic in the area as well as the small lot sizes. He also <br />noted that the "lakes" proposed are really stormwater tracts and questioned whether the proposed <br />clubhouse could be mandated. <br />Director Boling stated that the recreation requirements for the PD could be met in various <br />other ways and the construction of the clubhouse could not be mandated although the Board could <br />make that a condition of development when the site plan is approved. <br />Chairman Macht stated that he had always assumed that what was presented to the Board <br />was guaranteed. He had not understood that the Board needed to specify those conditions. <br />Dr. Nicholas then questioned whether a St. Johns River Water Management District permit <br />would be required for this property, and Commissioner Adams confirmed that it would be. <br />Dr. Nicholas then questioned whether the overflow water from the site could be handled by <br />the 33rd Street canal, and Director Boling stated that SJRWMD requires calculations to show that <br />APRIL 22, 2003 17 <br />