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Keith Pelan questioned whether the applicant should ask for a continuance so that they will <br />not be in a prejudicial situation should the Board strongly consider a moratorium. <br />Attorney Dorothy Hudson, 2903 Cardinal Drive, representing Mr. and Mrs. Stephen <br />Connelly and Robert de la Cruz, residents along 31St Street, felt the buffer represented in the <br />drawings looks like a potential dam for water during the rainy season. She referred to her letter of <br />April 15, 2003 addressed to Chairman Macht (COPY ON FILE WITH THE BACKUP FOR <br />TODAY'S MEETING) addressing the concerns about the 31St Street access for Mr. and Mrs. <br />Connelly and the maintenance of 31St Street which has been a problem for her clients for a number <br />of years. She noted that the sheet flow of the area goes from north to south and referenced a <br />sheriffs vehicle becoming trapped in that sheet flow at one time. She asked the Board to address <br />the drainage problems as well as continued access for her client should 31St Street be abandoned. <br />Jim Wright, 6255 33rd Street, has lived there for 42 years and felt the 661'' Avenue bridge <br />traffic will be a very serious problem. There have been a number of accidents there, 2 of which <br />involved fatalities. <br />Frank Coffey, 1200 Admirals Walk, agreed the PD ordinance needs changes and noted that <br />every time a PD comes to the Board for approval, it has already been approved by Planning & <br />Zoning and staff. He felt the proper requirements need to be very specifically addressed so that <br />developers can meet with staff and be assured that they have met the requirements set forth by the <br />Board. <br />Dewey Walker, 6285 33rd Street, has a citrus grove in the area and expressed his concerns. <br />He asked that staff contact him to discuss these concerns. <br />Richard Baker, 522 North Blue Island Lane, Sebastian, questioned whether a tree survey <br />has been done on this property, and Director Boling responded that those concerns would be <br />addressed in a more detailed survey at the next step of approval. <br />Mr. Baker felt a survey should be overlaid even in the very preliminary stages so that staff <br />can have an opportunity to identify specimen trees. <br />APRIL 22, 2003 16 <br />