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apply to the applicants and to the staff. That being said, he reasoned, we have to move on to the <br />hearing of the merits. <br />ATTORNEYHENDERSON'S REBUTTAL <br />Attorney Henderson argued Attorney O'Haire's statement that the appeal period ran out <br />on the neighbors on July 31St which is 21 days after the date of the July 10th letter, and found that <br />to be somewhat absurd. He asked the Board to notice in the Ordinance [Code Section <br />902.07(3)(a) in the backup] which states in part, "The applicant, or any other person(s) whose <br />substantial interests may be affected ..." and suggested that "substantial interests affected" is <br />referring to people like the Metz's. Therefore, by its terms, the Ordinance applies to persons <br />whose substantial interests are affected, other than the applicant. They would concede that had <br />the July 10th letter been adverse to their client, their appeal period would have run out on July <br />31 st <br />Attorney Henderson explained that the law applies a "chargeable with notice concept" <br />when no notice is provided to persons with a substantial interest. He again argued points of the <br />appeal period, and suggested that if the Board accepts Attorney O'Haire's arguments that this <br />Ordinance does not apply, they would be left with a situation of exactly when and where the <br />period began and ended. He suggested that that is not a logical interpretation of this Ordinance. <br />Attorney Vitunac displayed a copy of the appeal form filled out by the residents, and <br />declared that they figured it out, but late, and that was not acceptable arguments. <br />COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS <br />Chairman Bowden opened the floor to questions from Commissioners and reminded <br />everyone that they should conduct their questions only to the issues of jurisdiction. <br />April 24, 2008 10 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />