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Commissioner Flescher asked Attorney O'Haire whether there were any verbal or <br />written communication regarding the process or any suggestion of objection. Attorney O'Haire <br />did not think that Director Boling's focus was on the process, the procedure, or the rules. He <br />perceived that the response was, they needed to talk to Tom King, and nothing was said about an <br />appeal or anything procedural. <br />Vice Chairman Davis wanted to clarify Attorney O'Haire's statement "that Judge <br />Hawley is right, and that the Appeals Court said that Judge Hawley is right," and asked what <br />exactly was Hawley right about. Attorney O'Haire said he was right about the fact that the <br />Board alone had the power to decide what their jurisdiction is, and that the Board made that <br />decision when it decided to hear it on the merits, and The Source filed a procedure to keep them <br />from hearing it on the merits. <br />Attorney Henderson did not think that response was correct and Vice Chairman Davis <br />re -directed the question to him, asking whether he disputed the fact that the Appeals Court has <br />said that Judge Hawley's decision is right. Attorney Henderson explained the Judge's <br />ruling/decision. <br />Attorney Collins gave his understanding of Attorney O'Haire's arguments, in particular, <br />that the process of Notice applies only to applicants and not substantially affected parties. He <br />noted that on its face, it applies to both. He thought the issue is therefore, if it does apply, it is <br />not fair it applies to substantially affected parties, but giving them additional time based on when <br />they received the actual notice, he thinks, brings fairness back into it, and not holding them to <br />July 31" once they have noticed timeframes apply. And whether they knew the process or not, <br />there were timeframes warning and there wasn't, in his opinion, a proper appeal form, place, <br />time, fee -wise, but he understood their arguments. <br />April 24, 2008 11 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />