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Chairman Bowden called a break 10:24 a.m. and reconvened the Meeting at 10:37 a.m., <br />with Administrator Baird absent. <br />PUBLIC INPUT <br />Chairman Bowden opened the floor to public input. <br />Spencer Simmons, 118 43rd Avenue, believed there could be another timeline being <br />looked at, a defense timeline. He was confused by Mr. Hedin's arguments about not knowing the <br />procedures, and pointed out that ignorance of the law should be no excuse, because of Mr. <br />Hedin's knowledge of County rules, he being a member of the Code Enforcement Board. He <br />recalled how the issue was handled at the time it went before the Board when Commissioners <br />Lowther and Neuberger sat as members. <br />(Clerk's Note: Administrator Baird returned at 10:40 a.m.) <br />Mr. Simmons said it seemed that there was "political gamesmanship," and he believed <br />that residents were aware that the property was being sold and they had the proper notification. <br />(Clerk's Note: Chairman Bowden called a short Break from 10:44a.m. to 10:47a.m., to <br />facilitate certain attendees in securing their vehicles during a sudden rainstorm. [Vice Chairman <br />Davis was absent at the resumption of the Meeting]) <br />Tom Lowther, 1655 27th Street, recalled that this issue had come up when he sat as <br />Commissioner in the past (November 7, 2006). He asked Administrator Baird what would he <br />have done, if he (Lowther), a Commissioner at the time, had asked him (Baird), how can we deal <br />with this and keep the attorneys out of it; because it is an issue between the Board of County <br />April 24, 2008 12 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />