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Commissioners, the employer and staff, making this decision on a letter for a non -conforming <br />use, and not looking into the due diligence of this establishment being non -operational for a year. <br />(Vice Chairman Davis rejoined the meeting at 10: 49 a.m.) <br />Administrator Baird replied that if the Commission had voted for staff to look into the <br />matter they would have done a staff report and brought it back to the Commission with options. <br />Mr. Lowther also recalled that at the meeting of November 14, the matter had come <br />back before the Board and staff had recommended that this go before the Planning & Zoning <br />Board. The Planning & Zoning Commission ((PZC)) had heard the issue, and voted in favor of <br />this nonconforming use being in place and in favor of the neighborhood at 37th Street; thereafter <br />the appeals came in. He urged the Board to do the right thing because as Commissioners they <br />took an oath to protect and serve. <br />Joseph Paladin, 6450 Tropical Way, felt The Source is not a part of what this discussion <br />should be about; did not think anyone was against The Source or what it stands for; and did not <br />see this as wrong or right. His goal was to try to find a happy medium for negotiations, and he <br />suggested going back to the beginning to see where we started. He wanted to know if it was <br />ever determined that if this use is allowed, it would be continually allowed; as well as, when it <br />was not allowed. He had not heard the Board discuss those facts, and wanted to know what <br />those facts were. He also wanted to know if there was some sort of compromise so the County <br />does not end up in court. <br />Keith Hedin, 6030 37th Street, acknowledged that he is on the Code Board, and admitted <br />he doesn't know all the procedures. He believed County staff made a grave error in determining <br />the land use of this property (grandfathered property.). He also believed Mr. McCoy made a <br />mistake and should never have written that letter because he never talked to area residents about <br />April 24, 2008 13 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />