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To show that Alcohope and New Horizons had severed relationship before October 2003, <br />Attorney O'Haire cited portions of the Lease (Page 13, subsection (d)) which stated that "Lessee <br />has recently amended its Articles of Incorporation to remove as its sole member, New Horizons <br />of the Treasure Coast, Inc. At the same time, he said, the Hospital Corporation subsidiary and <br />Alcohope of the Treasure Coast entered into an Ingress Egress Drainage and Utility Easement <br />Agreement providing Alcohope the right to use hospital infrastructure, which was also dated <br />October 9, 2003, and recorded in the public records (IRC) November 11, 2003 . <br />(Clerk's Note: entered into evidence by Attorney O Haire, Exhibit 4 — Ingress/Egress <br />Drainage and Utility Easement Agreement) <br />Attorney O'Haire concluded that it was clear that in 2003, Alcohope had the intent and <br />the commitment to move its facility to the hospital campus, and they had leased the property to <br />do that. He provided proof from an Alcohope 2005 Newsletter which reads, "Alcohope has <br />moved - New address above." <br />(Clerk's Note: entered into evidence by Attorney O Haire, Exhibit 5, Alcohope's 2005 <br />Newsletter) <br />Attorney O'Haire noted that attached to the exhibit was the April 2005 calendar, which <br />showed that the meeting dates in the Newsletter coincided with the calendar for 2005, and that <br />indicated that Alcohope had moved everything away from their former facility, and in <br />accordance and agreement with its commitment of 2003, to the Indian River Hospital subsidiary. <br />He also noted that there was admission on the part of The Source that this happened, as shown in <br />the letter from Bruce Barkett to John McCoy, dated September 27, 2006, confirming that <br />Alcohope had left the 37th Avenue property in April of 2005. <br />April 24, 2008 36 <br />Special Call Meeting (The Source) <br />