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<br />Commissioner Davis asked Mr. Nunemaker if Fellsmere would consider being the <br />“receiver area” in the event they want to do a transfer of development rights. <br /> <br />Mr. Nunemaker <br /> was not sure how a transfer of development rights would fit <br />because they do all their negotiations site specific. <br /> <br />Mr. Nunemaker <br /> continued his presentation stating that the City Council was <br />committed to moving forward with Fellsmere Joint Ventures. He also pointed out through an area <br />map, future annexation areas. He concluded his presentation by discussing Sustainable Growth. <br /> <br />Commissioner O’Bryan was in attendance last Saturday at the Fellsmere Visioning <br />Workshop where the residents of Fellsmere raised concerns about the quality of their water, <br />drainage, and dirt roads. He wanted to know how Fellsmere was negotiating its new projects to <br />include the improvement of the quality of life for the residents in the areas of water, sewer and <br />other amenities. He also wanted to know how the people of Fellsmere would benefit from the <br />Ansin 2,560 project. <br /> <br />Mr. Nunemaker <br /> explained the City’s plans and funding expectations for taking <br />care of the issues mentioned by Commissioner O’Bryan. <br /> <br />Commissioner Davis asked for clarification regarding Fellsmere’s consumptive use <br />permit; the sources from which the 15 million gallons of water would come; and whether <br />Mr. Nunemaker <br />residential development would be less than that. said it typically is, and there <br />needs to be a diversity of water sources. <br />Commissioner Bowden asked if it was Fellsmere’s goal to have a City water plant to <br />service its plans for the future. Mr. Nunemaker replied, “Yes, but it’s not set in stone”, and they <br />have to keep an open mind. <br />May 23, 2007 <br />4 <br />Joint Workshop <br /> <br />