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County, Florida; and providing for special assessment liens to be made of <br />record. <br />9.A.2. PUBLIC HEARING - SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE APPROVAL <br />AND APPEAL OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION'S <br />DENIAL OF PRELIMINARY PD PLAN/PLAT - HIDDEN LAKE - <br />ATLANTIC COAST CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT, INC. <br />CONCEPTUAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) - SCHULKE, <br />BITTLE AND STODDARD, L.L.C. (LEGISLATIVE) <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE <br />OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />Planning Division Director Stan Boling reviewed the memorandum using a PowerPoint <br />presentation (copy on file with the backup). He added that recently the developer has agreed to <br />fund $30,000 for a northbound left turn lane at the Kings Highway entrance when the County <br />widens 581h Avenue. This is to be added to the staff recommendation under conditions as Item 2.g. <br />The Chairman asked Director Boling to describe for the benefit of the public the guidelines <br />the developer needs to abide by once their proposal has been approved. <br />Director Boling answered that the developer would be obliged to provide all the buffer <br />improvements and the layout as described in the proposal. The conservation areas need to be set <br />aside and conserved legally and posted for conservation. If the buffers fall below standard or <br />disrepair at any time or encroach on the conservation area, there would be code enforcement action. <br />Other improvements such as sidewalks and recreation areas are set aside as green areas and as part <br />of the landscape plan. These areas might be grass or wooded with tree preservation. From that <br />point the homeowners association can make any additional improvements. The right-of-way <br />dedications and the turn lane occur during construction and the plans would accommodate them. <br />The Chairman questioned if the developer has the right to make any modifications to <br />increase the number of lots or decrease the requirements. <br />Director Boling responded the developer would have to come back through the public <br />hearing process in order to make any of those changes. <br />June 3, 2003 <br />