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The Chairman questioned if the specimen trees are marked for conservation and Director <br />Boling said, "yes." <br />Commissioner Ginn felt that if a development is off a major road, it is absolutely essential to <br />have turn lanes to prevent accidents regardless of the density of the development. She asked <br />Director Boling about the out -parcel. <br />Director Boling explained it is an undeveloped wooded area zoned for single-family <br />development and cannot be rezoned. <br />Commissioner Neuberger had the same concern in relation to the left turn lane and was <br />pleased it was in the proposal. He sought clarification on the failed motion at the Planning and <br />Zoning Committee's meeting. <br />County Attorney Collins defined that the rules in the ordinance require an affirmative vote <br />of the majority. The P&Z vote was 3 to 3. <br />Director Boling said the criteria for the LDRs needs to be amended to require a turn lane on <br />major highways, and Commissioner Ginn recommended that change. <br />Chairman Macht asked for the opinion of the Public Works Director. <br />Commissioner Neuberger understood 58th Avenue is not scheduled to be four lanes. <br />Public Works Director Jim Davis said 581'' Avenue does not warrant 4 lanes. However, they <br />are updating the County's Long -Range Transportation Plan and he agreed that they need to <br />re-evaluate 581'' Avenue. He explained that Chapter 952, Florida Statutes states if there are 30 left <br />turn movements in the peak hours, then a left turn lane would be warranted. It is not economically <br />feasible to spend $40,000 to $50,000 for a left turn lane to serve a small number of lots. <br />Concerning the recommendation of Commissioner Ginn, Chairman Macht asked staff to <br />evaluate the LDR criteria and bring their recommendation back to the board. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard regarding <br />this matter. <br />Brian Heady, Vero Beach, said the Commissioners would be confusing staff and the <br />developers if they proceed in making a decision after they have already planned placing a <br />moratorium on Planned Developments. He also referenced the specimen tree cutting on 121'' Street <br />and felt that rights to ownership should be lost when these trees are cut down without approval <br />which would make a stronger impact than a fine. <br />June 3, 2003 9 <br />