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over all existing native upland areas to be preserved on the subject site; b. <br />establish a conservation tract over the entire existing wetland area being <br />preserved on the subject site; c. dedicate the site's share of the <br />thoroughfare plan road right-of-way for 451h Street; dedicate the site's <br />share of the thoroughfare plan road right-of-way for 581h Avenue; e. <br />construct or bond -out the 581h Avenue sidewalks; f. construct or bond -out <br />for the internal sidewalks; g. post a $30,000 deposit with the County for the <br />North bound left turn lane when the County widens 581h Avenue to four <br />lanes, and 3) Prior to issuance of a certificate of completion for the project, <br />the applicant shall install all perimeter landscape buffers; all as <br />recommended by staff. <br />(CLERK'S NOTE: CHAIRMAN MACHT CALLED A BRIEF RECESS AT 9:54 A.M. THE <br />MEETING WAS RECONVENED AT 10:06 A.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT.) <br />9.B.1. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEM - BRIAN HEADY - ISSUES <br />RELATIVE TO THE TAX BURDEN AND EXPENDITURES OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY RESIDENTS <br />Brian Heady of Vero Beach said he checked the minutes of April 1st where the Board <br />voted to take action on Veterans' benefits by sending a letter to the Legislature stating the Board's <br />opposition to cutting those benefits. To date there has been no action. He continued to express his <br />disapproval of how the County has chosen to spend the citizens' tax dollars. He said that the public <br />has been led to believe that the elected officials are interested in public input, yet it remains <br />questionable as to who is really making the decisions on how the tax dollars are spent. <br />NO ACTION REQUIRED OR TAKEN. <br />9.B.2. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEM - LARRY SCHLITT - ACCESSORY <br />ROAD FOR THE FARMS SUBDIVISION - 5TH STREET SW AND <br />66TH AVENUE (FLINCHUM-SCHLITT DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C.) <br />June 3, 2003 11 <br />