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Chuck Mechling, Pointe West, believed having the taskforce was a good idea, and <br />that it should be a more private situation. He thought maybe the Chamber could spearhead a group <br />meeting type concept. <br />Penny Chandler, Indian River County Chamber of Commerce, said she would be <br />happy to coordinate the workshops. <br />Joseph Paladin, Chairman Growth Awareness Committee, supported Ms. Chandler <br />heading up the committee, and offered to be a part of that committee. <br />Commissioner Davis did not like the proposed structure, and believed others should <br />have an opportunity to be a part of this, because with the current proposal they would not have a <br />seat. Director Keating said staff would like to work with the Chambers of Commerce in putting <br />together this workshop, and to make sure everyone gets invited. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner O'Bryan, <br />SECONDED by Vice Chair Bowden, to not create a <br />taskforce at this time. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan encouraged the Chamber of Commerce to host a couple of <br />informal meetings with interested parties, so that when we have the public workshops they might <br />be able to come up with a consensus. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion <br />carried unanimously to not create a taskforce at this time. <br />11.B. EMERGENCY SERVICES - NONE <br />July 10, 2007 27 <br />