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thought that to use the argument that we would have more affordable housing because we would <br />have cheaper lands did not "float" for him. <br />Chairman Wheeler asked Attorney Collins what would be the steps taken if we were <br />to challenge this. Attorney Collins explained that staff would have to come back next week with a <br />resolution initiating a dispute resolution procedure under Chapter 164, Florida Statutes, and the <br />resolution would state the conflict, the justification for initiating a dispute resolution, and a <br />proposed date and location for meeting, along with suggestions as to who should be present at the <br />meetings. Further, that would go for a minimum of probably 2 1/2 to 3 months before one could <br />work through that process; and if there is failure to resolve a dispute as to the legality of the <br />annexation, then the County could file a certiorari petition in the Circuit Court, and attempt to have <br />them strike down the annexations as illegal. <br />Chairman Wheeler told Commissioner Davis that we could not negotiate in good <br />faith when we have no bargaining chips at all, because this Commission has decided to move <br />forward and ignore the 18,000 acres. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan agreed with Commissioner Davis that we have a process in <br />place to help resolve some of these conflicts, but felt the bottom line is, it is only going to work if <br />both parties follow the rules, and in this case, Fellsmere has not followed the rules of Chapter <br />171.2, which he explained. Commissioners Davis and O'Bryan debated whether Fellsmere broke <br />the rules according to Florida Statutes. <br />Commissioner Flescher questioned at what point the 18,000 acres were added to the <br />responding resolution, and Chairman Wheeler and Commissioner O'Bryan explained. <br />Commissioner Flescher believed legal action would not allow the opportunity for constructive <br />negotiations for the future of this County. <br />July 10, 2007 38 <br />