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Mr. Nunemaker reminded him that these applications were submitted prior to the <br />initiating resolution. <br />John Williams addressed control over the urban service line; believed Charter was <br />the only tool we had to protect ourselves; and debated whether Fellsmere would be another Palm <br />Bay. <br />Joseph Paladin, Developer, asked whether it was the intent of the Commissioners <br />to take out the 18,000 acres. Commissioner O'Bryan said it was his intent to add the 18,000 acres <br />back in. <br />Mr. Paladin asked each Commissioner if it was his/her intent to throw out the <br />18,000 acres. He also questioned Attorney Collins regarding the reasons to challenge the <br />annexations, and asked him to define what the challenges would be. Mr. Paladin urged the Board <br />to use its time, energy and money to negotiate a deal with Fellsmere, as he thought the issue was <br />driving a wedge in the community. <br />Don Studley, Developer, remarked that people don't understand that it is not <br />Fellsmere or the County's property, but it is people who own the land; and, this was a request from <br />individuals who have requested to annex into Fellsmere. <br />Warren Dill, City Attorney, City of Fellsmere, did not think it was fair to say that <br />Fellsmere has not played by the rules, and presented scenarios to dispel those comments. He <br />understood that Florida Statutes 171.2 allowed other interested entities to make additions or <br />deletions to the list; however, in his opinion, the County went overboard in its review and changes <br />to what Fellsmere had recommended. He gave his understanding of the Statutes and the <br />Legislature's intent. He thought the County was overly broad in its approach to their response to <br />the responding resolution. He stated that the County exempted the 18,000 annexations in its <br />July 10, 2007 41 <br />