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<br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Lowther, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Davis, to replace Mr. George Gross with <br />Mr. Greg Smith on the P&Z Commission. The motion <br />FAILED, by a 2-2 vote (Chairman Neuberger and <br />Commissioner Wheeler opposed, Commissioner Bowden <br />absent). <br /> <br />13.E.2. DIPC <br />ISCUSS SSUES ERTAINING TO ONTROLLING THE <br />BGPT <br />UDGET ROWTH AND ROPERTY AXES <br />Commissioner Lowther proposed placing a referendum on the ballot asking “do you favor <br />expanding ‘Save Our Homes’ on all properties”. <br /> <br />Attorney Collinsexplained that this would be a straw ballot, and that only the State <br />government could extend the homeowners tax cap by referendum. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wheelerliked the idea, but he didn’t think voters would approve it. <br />Chairman Neuberger questioned who would explain to the public how this was going to <br />affect them. <br /> <br />State Representative Stan Mayfield <br /> stated that he has been an advocate to make <br />homestead legislature affordable over the last four years, but has been unable to get enough <br />support to push it through. He explained this proposal would be a 3% tax cap on all property taxes. <br />There would be no increase in taxes unless IRC and other taxing districts, and the legislature chose <br />to increase the millage rates in order to fulfill a void that might have been created by a tax value <br />cap. He gave some statistics expressing his opinion that capping what comes in will place a <br />dramatic effect on what comes out. He told the Board a straw ballot by the counties carries a lot of <br />weight, and they would have the authority to impose limiting the increase in government spending <br />without a State law or constitutional amendment and be a leader in the State. <br /> <br />JULY 11, 2006 <br />36 <br /> <br />