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<br /> <br /> Caroline Ginn <br />Former Commissioner, president of the Board for CareNet <br />Pregnancy Center, pointed out this is not tax money but money from Choose Life License Plate <br />program. She asked for the full amount in order to provide funding for their program. <br />County Administrator Baird specified that this Center is the only eligible applicant. <br />st <br />The funds will be available October 1 and he will do a budget amendment when they know the <br />funding amount. <br /> <br />The Chairman called a recess at 3:14 p.m. and the meeting was reconvened at 3:26 <br />p.m. with all the members present as well as staff. <br /> <br />C’S <br />HILDRENS ERVICES <br />County Administrator Baird distributed a list with recommendations from the <br />Children’s Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) for funding the grant applications. (A copy is <br />on file with the backup in the Office of the Clerk to the Board.) He advised that he had <br />recommended staying at the same amount as last year, but the CSAC recommended a higher <br />amount. <br />Discussion was held on the parameters of the ordinance, the funding cap, and the <br />amount that goes to salaries. <br />Frank Coffey <br /> distributed a chart showing the years of funding Children’s Services <br />and noted that the amounts have grown. He commented the Board needs to consider where they <br />need to start drawing the line. <br />County Administrator Baird advised that he is recommending $1,223,000 and <br />explained how this funding came out of Ordinance No. 1997-017 that sets the criteria and cap. <br />Chairman Lowther and Commissioner Wheeler inquired whether the School Board <br />was approached to fund the H.O.P.E. Academy. <br />Discussion ensued and Human Services Director Joyce Johnston-Carlson reasoned <br />that as the county grows so does the number of children; programs are needed to keep children <br />July 13, 2005 12 <br /> <br /> <br />