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<br /> <br />busy after school. She explained how the recommendations came about and advised of the <br />impact of last year’s hurricanes on the programs. <br />Chairman Lowther wanted to leave the funding as it was last year at $1,173,000, <br />and Commissioners Davis, Wheeler, and Bowden agreed. <br />There was discussion as to how to cut back the recommendation to last year’s <br />funding. <br />On Ms. Johnston-Carlson’s suggestion, there was CONSENSUS to cut the CSAC <br />recommended amounts by 4% across the board. <br />Ronny Hewitt <br />, President & CEO of the Boys and Girls Clubs, appealed to the <br />Board to reconsider the amounts and put their funding back to last year’s amount. Their program <br />helps the kids stay out of jail. He advised of the requests for their club to establish new programs <br />in other parts of the county. <br />Mr. Hubler <br /> of GYAC asked that if there is any money left over to send it their <br />way. <br /> <br />CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS <br />CCC–JK.B <br />LERK OF IRCUIT OURT EFFREY ARTON <br />County Administrator Baird advised that the Clerk’s budget is down due to Article <br />V. The proposed budget is $1,091,232, a $785,306 decrease. <br />Finance Director Diane Bernardo thanked the Board for their support. <br /> <br />TC–CS <br />AX OLLECTOR HARLES EMBLER <br />County Administrator Baird announced the proposed budget in the amount of <br />$845,513. <br />Tax Collector Charlie Sembler spoke of the county’s growth and proper <br />identification requirements. He advised the lease for the Ryanwood office would expire in 2 <br />years, and because it is such a busy intersection, he expected that office would probably relocate <br />July 13, 2005 13 <br /> <br /> <br />