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Commissioner O'Bryan was opposed to allowing Mr. Legwen to address the Board <br />on an Emergency Request basis, but advised Mr. Legwen that he could obtain a form from the <br />County Administrator's office to request inclusion on the next agenda. <br />5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br />5.A. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION HONORING MS. ALMA LEE LOY <br />FOR HER HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS <br />Alma Lee Loy was not present to receive the Proclamation, which Chairman <br />Wheeler read into the record. He stated that the Second Annual Dan K. Richardson Humanitarian <br />Awards Ceremony would be held to honor Mrs. Loy on July 27, 2007, at 6:30 p.m., at the <br />Richardson Center of Indian River Community College. <br />5.B. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION HONORING PAT POLITANO ON HER <br />RETIREMENT FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AUTHORITY <br />Commissioner Flescher read and presented the Retirement Award and Proclamation <br />to Pat Politano. <br />6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />6.A. REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 5, 2007 <br />The Chairman asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes of the <br />Regular Meeting of June 5, 2007. There were none. <br />ON MOTION by Vice Chair Bowden, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Flescher, by a 4-1 vote (Commissioner <br />Davis absent), the Board unanimously approved the <br />July 24, 2007 3 <br />