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Chairman Ginn said the County was blessed to find an experienced facilitator, Dr. <br />David Sullivan. She specified that Dr. Sullivan advised the ground rules at the first meeting; one <br />was that there would be no absences during the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the 3 Saturdays. The <br />members were to be willing to sign a letter of understanding that they would be there on time and <br />stay to the end, and that they were willing to accept any assignment, be willing to work, research, <br />collect data, and leave some of their own ideas behind to come to consensus. The Dodgertown <br />Conference Center proved to be a great place to hold those meetings. <br />Dr. David Sullivan <br />, Provost of Indian River Community College, introduced the <br />members of the Growth Task Force by asking those present to stand. A group photo, taken at 8:10 <br />th <br />a.m. on June 5, was displayed on the screen. He noted that all of the members were smiling but <br />they looked much different at the end of that day’s session. He thanked all of them for their time <br />and effort and extended a special thanks to the Commissioners, the County’s staff and Reta Smith. <br />He agreed that the Dodgertown Conference Center was a perfect venue. He then reviewed each <br />section of the Growth Task Force 2004 Final Report (a copy of the report is on file with the backup <br />in the office of the Clerk to the Board). His review included each section of the report: the <br />overview, recommendations, comments, and minutes of their meeting of June 5, 2004. He noted <br />there are 81 recommendations and that every person’s vote was counted on every issue. He <br />pointed out that the Board now has 30 people, plus him, who have become “semi-experts” on the <br />LDR’s and suggested they be kept involved in the future. He had two final notes to share: 1) there <br />is a need to bring all the visioning groups together so there are commonalities in the future, and 2) <br />all the recommendations have merit which could result in a huge amount of work on the staff, <br />which was not the intent of the GTF. He suggested that some of the recommendations are really <br />important to start moving forward on and others may need an unbiased eye, perhaps a consultant or <br />expert, to look at costs and which recommendations are in the best interest of the community. <br />There were no questions and he expressed thanks on behalf of the whole group for the opportunity <br />and honor to serve the community. <br />Chairman Ginn responded that it was now the Board’s opportunity to thank and <br />honor him and the task force members. She read aloud the wording on the plaque and presented it <br />July 6, 2004 <br />4 <br /> <br />