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by the time it got to the 60% level, and suggested that the Resolution read "provide" the SCALE <br />Report, rather than "prepare" the SCALE Report. <br />*SCALE REPORT. Safety Considerations; Cost; Availability of Alternate Route; Long -Range <br />Planning; and Environmental Factors <br />The Chairman opened the floor to public comments. <br />Ruth Stanbridge, 4835 66th Avenue, expressed appreciation for staff's <br />PowerPoint, and for the cooperation the property owners have been receiving from the <br />Commissioners, especially Chairman Bowden, Vice Chairman Davis, and Commissioner <br />Wheeler. She asked whether the Notice -to -Owner letters had been mailed out and learned from <br />Director Mora that fifteen (15) of the eighteen (18) letters have been sent to property owners <br />with whom the County had begun negotiations (not all on 66th Avenue). The remaining three <br />letters would be sent out today (August 12, 2008). <br />On behalf of the properly owner group on 66th Avenue, Mrs. Stanbridge <br />offered the following suggested amendments to the proposed Resolution: <br />On behalf of the properly owner group on 66th Avenue, Mrs. Stanbridge <br />offered the following suggested amendments to the proposed Resolution: <br />Spell out the acronym SCALE (found in the SCALE Report) <br />44 <br />August 12, 2008 <br />