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Chairman Bowden asked staff to dispel a rumor that the County was running <br />out of water, and learned from Administrator Baird that the County would not run out of water <br />until 2025. <br />Commissioner Wheeler recalled that recently, at a workshop meeting, there <br />had been talk of the wells bringing the County only as far as 2017. <br />Director Olson explained why that projection has changed; described how the <br />projections for growth curves (for water usage) are determined; and reported that due to <br />diminishing growth curves, and the increasing amount of physical infrastructure, County water <br />would be good to about 2025. He noted that, if a lot of growth and expansion happens over the <br />next five years, the curve would be re-evaluated. Additionally, he acknowledged that there was a <br />finite amount of water, and that it was important to continue looking at alternative water <br />supplies. <br />Director Olson responded to Commissioner Wheeler's question about a <br />hydrology study which was going to be conducted by the St. John's River Water Management <br />District (SJRWMD). <br />Administrator Baird provided assurances that the County had planned well for <br />the future, and that the water source would certainly go beyond 2011, and probably to 2025. <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked whether the growth which was taking place in <br />Brevard County would impact the County's water source. <br />Director Olson agreed that there was competition for the water source, and <br />remarked that the County would explore desalination and some other options, because at some <br />point, there will not be as much available water as there is now. <br />49 <br />August 12, 2008 <br />