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limitations on water quality, canker, the greening disease outlook, the recession and how it <br />affects the grower's cash reserves — all creating a "perfect storm." He believed this was the time <br />to plan and review the conservation easements, corridors, hamlets, new towns, and the <br />implementation of an ad-hoc committee, which would include the Agriculture Advisory <br />Committee, Planning and Development, two or three major property owners, Planning and <br />Zoning, Land Trust, Indian River Citrus League, one or more Board of County Commissioners, <br />and the Cattlemen's Association. He thereafter wanted the committee to meet with Mr. <br />Henderson, and possibly Dr. James Nicholas from the University of Florida. <br />Mr. Adair announced that the Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) was <br />planning to offer a Forum on Friday, November 20th, at the Richardson Center, to discuss <br />agriculture industry in the County. He asked for the Board's endorsement of his ideas and to <br />wait until the November 20th Forum to assemble and institute the ad-hoc committee. <br />Chairman Davis emphasized that everything should be in writing, and made part of the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />Commissioner Wheeler liked the idea of having the ad-hoc committee meet before the <br />workshop. <br />Director Keating hoped that by the end of September or October, the workshops and <br />committee meetings would start, and that it would be best to use the AAC as the nucleus, and <br />invite the groups that Mr. Adair suggested, along with Mr. Henderson. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Wheeler, SECONDED <br />by Vice Chairman Flescher, the Board unanimously <br />authorized staff to move forward with creating an ad-hoc <br />committee and workshop, with a timeframe of November <br />20, 2009, to incorporate the proposed agricultural <br />protection strategies into the Evaluation and Appraisal <br />Report (EAR). <br />29 <br />August 18, 2009 <br />