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renewal, and authorized the Chairman to execute same, as <br />recommended in the memorandum of July 27, 2009. <br />AMENDMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />13. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS <br />13.A. UPDATED UNCONDITIONAL OFFER FOR A PARCEL OF LAND ON THE <br />CORNER OF 66THAVENUE AND 57TH STREET OWNED BYSTEVEN, <br />WILLIAM, AND EVANABAZIS, PARCELS 102 AND 401 <br />Deputy County Attorney William DeBraal informed the Board that the County requires <br />approximately 6.2 acres of property from the Abazis family (Parcel 102 - a 4 acre right-of-way <br />that runs along 66th Avenue, and Parcel 401 - a 2.2 acre pond site located at the corner of 57th <br />Street and 66th Avenue). He reported that a recent appraisal was conducted, unconditional offers <br />were extended, and that there was no response back. <br />To Commissioner Solari's query, Attorney DeBraal conveyed that the most recent <br />appraisal was from July, 2009. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner O'Bryan , SECONDED <br />by Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously approved an <br />unconditional offer to purchase the necessary right-of-way <br />and pond site property from the Abazis' at a price of <br />$402,500, and an unconditional offer to purchase of the <br />entire parcel for $560,740, as recommended in the <br />memorandum of August 4, 2009. <br />36 <br />August 18, 2009 <br />