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13.B. NECESSITY OF TAKE RESOLUTION FOR A PARCEL OFPPROPERTY ON <br />66THAVENUE OWNED BYJOHNAND DEBRA MAROTTO, 5215 66TH <br />AVENUE, VERO BEACH PARCEL 106 <br />Attorney DeBraal pointed out that this Necessity of Take Resolution consisted of a two <br />acre parcel and a concrete 1,934 square foot block house. He mentioned that the right-of-way <br />line would come about five feet from the Marotto's front door, rendering the house economically <br />nonviable. He reminded the Board that a Public Hearing is not required for a Resolution of <br />Necessity, and clarified staff's recommendation. <br />ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Flescher, SECONDED <br />by Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously approved <br />Resolution 2009-128, declaring a reasonable necessity to <br />acquire certain real property for the purposes of improving <br />and reconstructing 66th Avenue, including side street, <br />intersection, sidewalk and water retention pond <br />improvements; authorizing the County Attorney to acquire <br />the attached properties by the institution of proceedings in <br />Eminent Domain, and providing an effective date. <br />14. COMMISSIONER ITEMS <br />14.A. COMMISSIONER WESLEYS. DA VIS, CHAIRMAN -NONE <br />14.B. COMMISSIONER JOSEPHE. FLESCHER, VICE CHAIRMAN <br />- NONE <br />14. C. COMMISSIONER GARY C. WHEELER <br />37 <br />August 18, 2009 <br />