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<br />Franchise Fee Revenue, Florida Administrative Code – Statute, City of Vero Beach/Florida Power and <br />Light Cost Comparison, City of Vero Beach/Indian River County Water/Sewer Cost Comparison.) <br />Mr. Lee <br />provided explanation and responded to questions of the Commissioners regarding <br />residential, commercial and industrial classes, base rate, fuel adjustment charges, fuel rate structure, and <br />the Public Service Commission, the 10% City Utility Tax, and the 6% County fee-in-lieu-of-franchise <br />fee. While he admitted that FPL’s usage fee for under 1,000 kw hours is lower than the City’s, he gave a <br />cost comparison of the City’s rates versus FPL’s rates on a typical customer’s use and explained that the <br />City is trying to bring their cost in line. He also showed a slide comparing the City’s rates versus the <br />County’s rates for water/sewer on 6,000 gallons of water. He cautioned against looking at raw numbers <br />and noted that all departments are complying with applicable regulations. <br />A brief discussion occurred regarding water/sewer rates. <br />County Administrator Baird responded to questions and explained the franchise taxes. <br />Mr. Lee <br /> also addressed the complaint of Cherrise Livingstone at the August 22, 2006 meeting. <br />He speculated that there might have been other charges on her first bill besides kilowatt usage and <br />without seeing her bill it would be difficult to dispute her numbers. <br />Following the presentation, Commissioner Wheeler understood that inequities can be explained <br />and appreciated the presentation. Commissioner Davis agreed that comparing numbers could have <br />shown a tremendous inequity. <br />City Manager Gabbard <br /> thanked the Commissioners again and advised that because of the <br />recent hurricanes, the City has been able to improve its system and capabilities. He expected the City’s <br />system would not be down as long if we experience another hurricane. He noted that effective September <br />st <br />1, there will be an 8% reduction in their costs. In concluding, he stated they have a quality system with <br />outstanding professionals and hoped the City’s electric service would be cheaper in the future. <br />Chairman Neuberger appreciated the reliability of the City’s power system and lamented that he <br />now has FPL and wishes he were still on the City’s system. Vice Chairman Wheeler was pleased to <br />report that he has underground City electric and his power was restored two days after both hurricanes. <br />September 5, 2006 <br />4 <br /> <br />